I Raise Dead Things - St Paul’s United Methodist Church

Aug 3, 2019

About the Sermon Series

Welcome to St Paul’s United Methodist Church, where we believe in the transformative power of faith and the miracles that can happen when we embrace the teachings of the Bible. In our 'I Raise Dead Things' sermon series, we dive deep into the concept of resurrection and how it applies to our lives today.

Discover the Power of Faith

Throughout the series, we explore the biblical accounts of miraculous resurrections and the spiritual lessons they reveal. We delve into stories like the raising of Lazarus, the resurrection of Jesus, and other powerful accounts that showcase the power of faith to bring life and hope to seemingly dead situations. Our goal is to inspire and empower you to believe in the possibility of miracles in your own life.

Applying Biblical Teachings in Daily Life

Each sermon in the 'I Raise Dead Things' series focuses on practical applications of the biblical teachings surrounding resurrection. We examine how these lessons can be applied in our relationships, career, health, and personal growth. From overcoming obstacles to finding hope amidst despair, this series provides guidance and encouragement for every aspect of life.

Join Our Vibrant Community

At St Paul’s United Methodist Church, we foster a warm and welcoming community where individuals from all walks of life can come together to share their faith journey. Our church family is committed to supporting and encouraging one another as we navigate the challenges and triumphs of life. Whether you are seeking spiritual guidance, fellowship, or a place to worship, you'll find a second home at St Paul’s.

Strengthening Your Beliefs

Through engaging sermons and thoughtful discussions, our 'I Raise Dead Things' series aims to strengthen and deepen your beliefs. We invite you to explore the mysteries of resurrection, question your own understanding, and grow in your faith. Our dedicated pastors and knowledgeable congregation serve as valuable resources to support your spiritual journey towards a more profound connection with God.

Engage with Us

Join us for our upcoming services and events as we embark on this enlightening journey of 'I Raise Dead Things'. Be a part of our community and experience the power of a united faith.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or would like to connect with us, feel free to contact us at:

  • Address: 123 Main Street, City, State, Postal Code
  • Phone: (123) 456-7890
  • Email: [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to St Paul’s United Methodist Church!

Karl Hiesterman
This sermon series sounds thought-provoking and inspiring. Excited to explore the concept of resurrection and its relevance in our lives.
Oct 5, 2023
Bruce Bullert
I love the idea of exploring the concept of resurrection in the 'I Raise Dead Things' sermon series. It's such a powerful and thought-provoking theme.
Mar 22, 2022
Tony Musso
I'm excited to see how this sermon series will delve into the miracles that can happen when we embrace the teachings of the Bible. It's a topic that's close to my heart.
Jan 17, 2022
Christine Saltonstall
As someone who is always seeking spiritual growth, I find the concept of resurrection and embracing the teachings of the Bible incredibly intriguing.
Nov 14, 2021
David Milian
Looking forward to diving deep into the teachings of the Bible with this sermon series. It's always inspiring to explore the transformative power of faith.
Aug 16, 2021
Sasiraju Vakkalanka
The 'I Raise Dead Things' sermon series sounds like a wonderful opportunity for introspection and self-discovery. Can't wait to attend!
Aug 3, 2020
Martin Hledik
The theme of resurrection is so profound and meaningful. I'm looking forward to gaining a deeper understanding through the 'I Raise Dead Things' sermon series.
Apr 13, 2020