12 Mighty Orphans | Director's Cut Week - 2 | Pastor David Payne

Apr 21, 2021

Movie Screening with a Spiritual Twist

Welcome to St Paul’s United Methodist Church, where we embrace the power of movies to bring people together and inspire faith in our community. Join us for an exclusive week-long screening of the Director's Cut of "12 Mighty Orphans" with Pastor David Payne.

Experience the captivating story:

Set in the 1930s during the Great Depression, "12 Mighty Orphans" is based on the true story of a football team made up of orphans. Their resilience, determination, and unwavering spirit not only uplifted their community but also taught valuable lessons of hope, faith, and unity.

Finding Faith in Adversity

Through the lens of this remarkable movie, Pastor David Payne will guide us on a spiritual journey, exploring the themes of faith and belief that are beautifully interwoven into the story of the "12 Mighty Orphans".

Lessons in Perseverance

In life, we often face challenges and obstacles that may seem insurmountable, but the true test lies in our ability to persevere. The orphans in the movie exhibit remarkable determination and resilience, reminding us of the strength that faith can bring in the face of adversity.

Finding Hope in Community

The story of the "12 Mighty Orphans" emphasizes the importance of community in times of struggle. It serves as a reminder that together, we can overcome even the toughest circumstances. Our church community echoes this message, offering support, love, and a sense of belonging to all who seek solace.

Why Join Us?

By attending this exclusive screening and joining Pastor David Payne for the Director's Cut Week of "12 Mighty Orphans", you will:

  • Be inspired: Immerse yourself in a powerful story that will touch your heart and ignite your faith.
  • Grow spiritually: Explore the deeper meanings and messages behind the movie, expanding your understanding of faith and belief.
  • Connect with others: Share an uplifting experience with like-minded individuals who are seeking hope and inspiration.
  • Support a cause: Proceeds from this event will go towards supporting local orphanages and fostering positive change in our community.

Event Details

The Director's Cut Week of "12 Mighty Orphans" with Pastor David Payne will take place at St Paul’s United Methodist Church starting on [Event Start Date] and running until [Event End Date]. Join us for this transformative experience as we come together to celebrate faith, hope, and the power of community.

Embrace the Power of Faith and Film

At St Paul’s United Methodist Church, we believe in the transformative power of movies and their ability to inspire, heal, and unite. Through our Director's Cut Week of "12 Mighty Orphans" with Pastor David Payne, we invite you to explore the intersection of faith and film, and discover the profound impact it can have on our lives.

Celia Thompkins
The fusion of cinema and spirituality in this event is truly captivating. Can't wait to participate!
Nov 10, 2023
John Strong
Sounds like an amazing event! Can't wait to watch the Director's Cut of 12 Mighty Orphans and be inspired by Pastor David Payne's insights.
Oct 16, 2023
Brad Stroeh
A movie screening with a spiritual touch is exactly what we need for a meaningful experience.
Sep 15, 2023
Cinven Servicedesk
This sounds like a meaningful and uplifting event. Looking forward to attending!
May 17, 2023
Kristina Monteiro
I'm always inspired by events that bring different communities together through shared experiences like this one.
Jan 21, 2023
Dmitriy Podolskiy
It's great to see a community embracing the positive impact of movies and faith.
Oct 24, 2022
Valarie Orr
This event shows the importance of art in bringing people closer to their faith.
Sep 9, 2022
Shobhit Saxena
Looking forward to experiencing the faith-inspiring message of 12 Mighty Orphans.
Jun 30, 2022
Rick Wong
Pastor David Payne's involvement makes this event even more special. Excited to be a part of it.
May 26, 2022
Adam Barkley
I'm excited to see the Director's Cut of 12 Mighty Orphans. Thank you for organizing this.
Feb 27, 2022
Jeff Strong
Movies with a spiritual twist can be truly inspiring. I'm glad to be a part of this community.
Dec 10, 2021
Felipe Santana
I appreciate the effort to bring people together through the power of film and faith.
Dec 4, 2021
Robert-Jan Hoogerburg
Count me in for this special screening. Can't wait to see the film with a spiritual perspective!
Jun 1, 2021