Portavoz de la Palabra de Dios

Oct 30, 2017

Discover the Power of God's Word

Welcome to the page of Portavoz de la Palabra de Dios at St Paul’s United Methodist Church. As part of our commitment to spreading God's message, we are delighted to share our sermons and teachings with you. By exploring the divine teachings and understanding the wisdom contained in the Holy Scriptures, you can develop a closer relationship with God and enrich your spiritual journey.

Guided by Faith and Beliefs

At Calvary Christian Church, we recognize the importance of faith and beliefs in our community. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can deepen their understanding of God and connect with like-minded followers. Through our Portavoz de la Palabra de Dios sermons, we invite you to explore the depths of your faith, discover new perspectives, and encounter the transformative power of God's Word.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity

We believe that faith knows no boundaries and that every individual, regardless of their background or status, deserves love, acceptance, and guidance. At St Paul’s United Methodist Church, our community is built on the values of inclusivity, compassion, and understanding. We welcome everyone who seeks spiritual growth and a deeper connection to God, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, or any other defining characteristic.

Transformative Sermons and Teachings

Our Portavoz de la Palabra de Dios sermons are thoughtfully crafted to inspire, encourage, and empower individuals in their spiritual journey. Led by our dedicated pastors, these sermons explore various Biblical passages, offering insights, interpretations, and practical applications for everyday life. Whether you are seeking answers to life's biggest questions or simply looking for a source of inspiration, our sermons will guide you on a path of discovery and enlightenment.

Nurturing a Strong and Supportive Community

As a faith-based community, we firmly believe in the power of connection and support. By participating in our Portavoz de la Palabra de Dios teachings, you will have the opportunity to engage with fellow believers, forge meaningful relationships, and find a community that uplifts and encourages you on your spiritual journey. Together, we navigate life's challenges, celebrate joys, and grow in faith.

Join Our Community Today

If you are ready to embark on a meaningful spiritual journey, we invite you to join our community at St Paul’s United Methodist Church. Our Portavoz de la Palabra de Dios sermons are available for in-person attendance at our church, as well as online. We believe that everyone should have access to the transformative teachings of God's Word, regardless of their physical location. Join us today and experience the power of faith and the joy of belonging to a loving community.

  • A welcoming and inclusive community
  • Transformative and thought-provoking sermons
  • Guidance and support on your spiritual journey
  • A deeper understanding of God's Word
  • Meaningful connections with like-minded believers

At St Paul’s United Methodist Church, we are dedicated to fostering a community that values faith, inclusivity, and spiritual growth. Join our Portavoz de la Palabra de Dios sermons and discover the beauty and depth of God's message. Let us walk together in faith and embrace the transformative power of His Word.

Balaji Prabhakaran
¡Qué maravillosa manera de acercarnos a Dios a través de su Palabra divina!
Nov 8, 2023
Russell Cote
Me siento inspirado al leer las enseñanzas divinas compartidas.
Sep 14, 2023
Nick Patrick
Un recordatorio constante del amor y la misericordia de Dios. ¡Gracias!
Feb 25, 2023
Mark Slater
Aprecio mucho el esfuerzo por difundir la Palabra de Dios en este espacio.
Feb 7, 2023
Maryellen Smith
Me encanta leer los sermones y enseñanzas compartidos aquí.
Dec 30, 2022
John Voigt
Nunca dejo de aprender y crecer espiritualmente con estos mensajes. ¡Gracias!
Aug 9, 2022
Karen Summerlin
Es gratificante tener acceso a estas enseñanzas en línea. ¡Bendiciones!
Feb 19, 2021
Jack Harvey
Los sermones aquí me ayudan a reflexionar y crecer espiritualmente.
Jan 1, 2021
Reggie Aggarwal
La Palabra de Dios es vida y luz, y aquí encuentro nutrición espiritual.
Oct 10, 2020
Bill Sherren
Estas enseñanzas son un faro de luz en momentos de oscuridad. Gracias.
Oct 7, 2020
Diane Pelt
La Palabra de Dios trae paz y guía a mi vida. Gracias por compartirla.
Sep 16, 2020
Anthony Hymes
Estoy agradecido por el impacto positivo que estas enseñanzas tienen en mi vida.
Aug 24, 2020
Valerie Collado
La sabiduría compartida aquí es como agua refrescante para el alma. Gracias.
Jan 8, 2020
Alex Morsov
Gracias por compartir la sabiduría de la Palabra de Dios.
Dec 12, 2019
Crystal Chang
Cada publicación es un recordatorio del amor incondicional de Dios. ¡Gracias!
Sep 16, 2019
El poder transformador de la Palabra de Dios se refleja en estas publicaciones.
Sep 2, 2019
Mike Easley
Espero con ansias cada nueva publicación. ¡Son de gran bendición!
Jul 5, 2019
Richard Weber
Un gran recurso para fortalecer mi fe. ¡Gracias!
Feb 22, 2019
Productos Dulcesol
¡Qué gran bendición es tener acceso a estas valiosas enseñanzas!
Nov 1, 2018
John Ambro
Las publicaciones en este espacio son refrescantes y edificantes. ¡Gracias!
Oct 10, 2018
Paul Lord
Cada enseñanza me desafía a ser mejor y a buscar a Dios más profundamente.
Mar 25, 2018