Families, Children, & Youth

Mar 8, 2019


Welcome to St Paul’s United Methodist Church, a welcoming community rooted in faith and dedicated to serving families, children, and youth. We believe in creating a nurturing environment where individuals of all ages can grow and engage in their spiritual journey.

Our Mission

At St Paul’s United Methodist Church, our mission is to provide a safe and inclusive space for families, children, and youth to explore their faith, develop meaningful relationships, and make a positive impact in the world. We offer a range of ministries and programs that cater to the unique needs and interests of each age group.

Ministries for Families

Our church understands the importance of strong family connections and offers various ministries to support and strengthen family bonds. From family-centered worship services to special events and classes, we strive to create opportunities for families to deepen their spiritual lives together.

Family Worship Services

We invite families to join us every Sunday for our family-friendly worship services. These services are designed to be engaging and accessible to individuals of all ages. Our talented worship team incorporates interactive elements that captivate the attention of children while nourishing the souls of adults.

Parent Support Groups

Parenting can be both rewarding and challenging. That is why we provide dedicated support groups where parents can connect, share experiences, and learn from one another. These groups provide a supportive space to discuss parenting topics, seek advice, and find encouragement in their faith journey.

Ministries for Children

We believe in fostering a strong foundation of faith in children by offering age-appropriate ministries and programs specially tailored to their needs.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School classes provide a fun and interactive environment for children to learn biblical lessons, engage in discussions, and build lasting friendships. Our dedicated teachers create a nurturing atmosphere where children feel encouraged to explore their faith and ask meaningful questions.

Vacation Bible School

Our annual Vacation Bible School is a highlight of the summer season for children in our community. Through exciting themes, games, crafts, and music, children deepen their understanding of God's love and discover the joy of living as followers of Jesus Christ.

Children's Choir

The Children's Choir at St Paul’s United Methodist Church is a vibrant community where children can express their faith through music. Singing together not only nurtures the children's musical talents but also helps them develop a sense of teamwork and a deeper connection with their spirituality.

Ministries for Youth

We strive to empower youth to develop their spiritual identity, find their purpose, and make a positive difference in the world around them.

Youth Group

Our Youth Group is a dynamic and welcoming space for teenagers to gather, grow, and connect with their peers. Through engaging discussions, service projects, and social activities, we encourage our youth to explore their faith, ask tough questions, and develop leadership skills.

Mission Trips

We organize yearly mission trips where our youth have the opportunity to serve communities in need, both locally and globally. These trips create life-changing experiences that foster empathy, compassion, and a sense of social responsibility among our young members.

Bible Study

Our youth-focused Bible Study programs provide an environment where teenagers can dig deeper into the scriptures, engage in thoughtful conversations, and develop a stronger understanding of their faith. We encourage them to apply biblical teachings to their daily lives and navigate contemporary challenges with wisdom and grace.

Join Our Community

If you are looking for a supportive faith community that values families, children, and youth, we invite you to join us at St Paul’s United Methodist Church. Discover the joy of belonging to a community that fosters spiritual growth, embraces diversity, and empowers individuals to make a positive difference in the world.

Contact us today to learn more about our ministries and programs or to get involved. We look forward to welcoming you and your family with open arms.