Welcome to the FUMC Coffeehouse Schedule

Jul 13, 2020


Stay updated with the latest coffeehouse events at St Paul’s United Methodist Church. We are delighted to invite you to our vibrant community where you can experience enriching programs and activities. Our coffeehouse events offer a unique space where you can connect with like-minded individuals, engage in meaningful conversations, and deepen your faith. With a wide array of inspiring events, we ensure there is something for everyone.

Why Attend Our Coffeehouse Events?

Our coffeehouse events bring together individuals from all walks of life, fostering a sense of belonging and unity in the community. Whether you are seeking spiritual growth, meaningful relationships, or simply a joyful experience, our coffeehouse events offer it all. Here are a few reasons why attending our events can be an invaluable experience:

1. Engaging Programs

At St Paul’s United Methodist Church, we pride ourselves on curating engaging programs that cater to diverse interests and needs. From thought-provoking discussions on faith and beliefs to live musical performances, poetry readings, and art exhibitions, our coffeehouse events offer a wide range of activities to inspire and uplift.

2. Connection and Community

Our coffeehouse events serve as a hub for building connections and forging meaningful friendships. The warm and welcoming atmosphere encourages open dialogue and creates opportunities for individuals to connect on a deeper level. We believe in fostering a strong sense of community where everyone feels valued and supported.

3. Spiritual Nourishment

Attendees of our coffeehouse events often find spiritual solace and nourishment. Through guest speakers, workshops, and interactive sessions, we aim to ignite and strengthen the flame of faith. These events provide a safe space for individuals to explore their beliefs, ask important questions, and gain spiritual insight.

4. Educational Opportunities

We believe in continuous learning and growth. Our coffeehouse events often include educational opportunities where individuals can expand their knowledge on various topics. From panels discussing societal issues to book clubs focused on personal development, we provide a platform for intellectual and personal growth.

Upcoming Coffeehouse Schedule

Explore our diverse range of upcoming events:

Event 1: Coffee Chat - Exploring the Power of Prayer

Date: [Insert Date]

Time: [Insert Time]

Description: This interactive coffee chat will delve into the power of prayer in our spiritual journey. Join us for an insightful discussion where we will explore different prayer practices and their significance in connecting with the divine.

Event 2: Musical Night - Hymns and Harmonies

Date: [Insert Date]

Time: [Insert Time]

Description: Experience an unforgettable night of music as talented artists come together to mesmerize you with soulful hymns and harmonies. Let the melodies uplift your spirits and fill your heart with joy.

Event 3: Art Exhibition - Exploring Spirituality through Art

Date: [Insert Date]

Time: [Insert Time]

Description: Immerse yourself in the beauty of art as we showcase works that explore spirituality and its various dimensions. A visual journey that will inspire and provoke thought, this exhibition is open to all art enthusiasts.

Event 4: Book Club - Journeying through Spiritual Literature

Date: [Insert Date]

Time: [Insert Time]

Description: Engage in lively discussions centered around spiritual literature. This book club aims to create an intellectual space where attendees can share insights and reflections on books that have shaped their faith.

Event 5: Open Mic Night - Expressing Faith through Words

Date: [Insert Date]

Time: [Insert Time]

Description: Unleash your creativity and share your faith-inspired poems, stories, and spoken word performances at our open mic night. A supportive environment awaits you, where you can express yourself and inspire others through the power of words.

Join Us Today!

We invite you to be a part of our vibrant community. Stay updated with our coffeehouse events and take part in the programs that align with your interests and beliefs. Whether you are seeking spiritual growth, meaningful connections, or simply a joyful experience, St Paul’s United Methodist Church is here to welcome you with open arms.

Join us today and embark on a journey of faith, love, and community.

Miguel Aldalur
Excited to join upcoming events!
Oct 15, 2023
Stephen Morrissey
Love the coffeehouse events at FUMC! ☕️✨ Looking forward to connecting with others and deepening my faith. 🙏🤗
Oct 5, 2023